Last June I got a special visit from Kiki. I hadn't seen her in almost two years. That time together was precious as we caught up on the happenings of our lives. As girls do, we discussed the men (or lack of) in our lives. Kiki spoke of a realization she came to that she needed to be content where she was in life whether a man stood beside her or not. She encouraged me to run fast towards those things in life that I'm passionate about and created to do. Kiki is a selfless woman. She works with youth at a church in Pennsylvania. Day in and day out she pours her life and wisdom into young minds, never asking for anything back. My prayer for her has always been that she would find that one person who she can do life with. To guide her, encourage her, and to laugh with her. Back in June I was so encouraged by her contentment but still prayed that she would soon meet someone.
Fast forward a few months and a certain lucky gentleman entered Kiki's world. His name is Jeff. I remember getting phone call from Kiki describing Jeff and the dates they went on. Every phone call I could hear a growing excitement in her voice. Jeff began helping out with the youth group Kiki worked at. As the months went on, I began to suspect if this was the man Kiki had been praying for. Indeed he is! He is a wonderful man. When I went to Pennsylvania to take their engagement photos, I loved every second of being around the two of them. They encourage each other, care for one another, and build each other up. And laughing...there is no lack of laughing with the two of these!
Kiki and Jeff...I'm thrilled for the two of you! Its an honor to shoot your wedding this summer...its gonna be epic!