Tim and Mayara are a perfect match. They are the friendliest couple you'll meet. I've known Tim since our freshmen year of college. Those who know him, call him T-mill. He was always the guy who greeted you with the most energetic 'Hell0!!" Since our days at JMU, Tim joined the Army and has served over seas for many years. A few years ago, Mayara, moved from Brazil to Maryland to be an Au Pair. There she met Tim's family. Over a time of leave from the Army, Tim came to visit his family. At a party he and Mayara first locked eyes. Mayara explains it as "Confetti fell from the sky and there was glitter....lots of glitter...and firework." Seeing them together, you can tell the fireworks never left. Mayara has a spunky personality and keeps Tim on his toes. After they started dating, Mayra had to move back to Brazil. They've spent hours in the air flying between the US and Brazil which is why we chose to take their photos with a airplane. I loved this idea and it is safe to say this may be one of my favorite engagement shoots to date. In the couple of hours we spent together I could see that they have an adventure awaiting their life as they get married. Safe travels, you two!