: number of prostitutes slaughtered on the streets of Timişoara in the past 4 days.
The farm in Călacea is situated 25km from Timişoara. The 30 minute trip routed us through Romanian countryside, a combination of sinuous pavement and gravel roads, eventually pouring us into the small-town kind, the type with goats tied to trees and free-range geese and roadside fires. Here, NFS partner has purchased property and, seven years ago, has begun building a safe house for men rescued from situations involving unjust lawsuits, immigration, indecent pay, and prostitution. Currently there are three men living here, including one staff member. The caretaker, who is the same age as the others, sees himself as a father to both, one an African immigrant and the other a former farm worker under depraved and unjust conditions. In one interview, the staff member expressed his sold-out desire to the betterment of the lives of others, especially those in situations that recall parts of his past. I don't know about you, but one of the most beautiful things to me is seeing a smile that communicates self-denial and sacrifice, where the importance of others' lives lapse your own.
On a more climate-related note, weather in Romania has remained hot and sunny, highs in the mid-90s. It seems to be peak plum season since both of us average about 20 plums a day. I'm surprised the superfruit hasn't caused any undesired side effects...
Our final full day in Timişoara is tomorrow.
Well, time to soak it all up.