You might say my parents were an unlikely couple. Their story is unique and sweet... one of those stories that makes you marvel at the Lord's plans. I have a feeling when God created my mom and dad He had quite a sense of humor as He paused and said "Watch THIS!"
My mom is often affectionately refereed to by many as "Moonbeam." Yes, you heard that mom was a hippie! On the opposite end of the spectrum, my dad was an F-14 fighter pilot. To think, a hippie met, fell in love with, and married a military officer. Unique enough for you? Just wait, it gets better! Although they both grew up in New York, my parent's didn't meet until later after they found the Lord and both happened to be in the same bible study in Pensacola, Florida. My mom (at this point, no longer a hippie) had taken a teaching job in Florida while my dad was stationed down there for flight school. After a few encounters and small talk at the bible study, my dad asked my mom to hang out one-on-one. Before they knew it, they were a couple. As my dad graduated from flight school, he was reassigned to another flight school...TOP GUN in San Diego, California. Their relationship progressed despite the long distance. A few months later my dad flew back to Florida to visit my mom, got down on one knee, and asked my mom for her hand in marriage. And once again...just to shake things up a bit...the plot thickens!
My mom was unsure if the timing was right for their marriage so after my dad flew back to California she called him and said she was sorry but she had to return the ring and spend time in prayer to seek the Lord for guidance. God guided. He guided her to California and provided a teaching job there so that they could be close together and pray about their future. My dad was certain that my mom would one day be his better half so he knew he had to be patient. They continued to date and pray and seek guidance. During this time my dad found out he was assigned to a Navy aircraft carrier cruise which would take him away for 6 months. My mom and dad decided they should take this time to pray. And pray they did. For the 6 months they were separated they prayed and prayed. They didn't doubt the Lord but knew He would be faithful in unfolding His plan for each of them. When my dad returned and spoke with my mom I believe their conversation went a little something like this...."Hi Tom....I've been you still have that ring?" Of course he did. 30 years later...the unlikely flower child and fighter pilot couple are loving life and loving each other as they continue to seek the Lord in all aspects of their life together!