This is by far, the most important/special/exciting engagement shoot I've ever shot. Why? Because my brother was the one who got engaged! I recall the very first time I heard about his now-fiance. Justin told me he had met a girl who literally lived next door to his college house. Being the protective older sister, I asked him if she was good enough for him. He responded with a confident "Kate...Amber is legit!" A few days later I met Amber. She was/is indeed, "legit!"
Our family has fallen in love with Amber. She is the sweetest girl. From the moment we all met her we knew she would fit right in with our family. Justin and Amber compliment each other so well. The phrase "meant for each other" truly is defined by these two. It has been a joy to watch their relationship grow over the past year. When Justin first shared with us that he was looking for a ring, we we thrilled for the two of them...It was hard to keep the excitement level in check around her!
This past weekend, it all went down. There are quite a few photos because, hey, this is a once-in-a-lifetime moment! I'll summarize the story in order to explain some of the photos. Justin had planned an amazing date for them: walk through a park, around a lake, and finally ending with a picnic in a tiny field completely surrounded by woods. As they ate their strawberry shortcake, Justin pointed out the random Easter eggs around the field. Amber collected all the eggs and inside found pieces of a puzzle which together created a poem. As they put together the puzzle and read the poem, she realized one piece of the puzzle was missing...the last one. At this point, Justin took Amber's hand, stood her up as he got down on one knee. He pulled out the ring box and inside was the final piece of the puzzle with the final line of the poem: "I Love You." Oh yeah, and the bling was inside the ring box as well! Her face was priceless. I'm so thankful I was able to capture these moments. It was an honor to be there!
Amber and's to your engagement and wonderful future together as Mr. and Mrs. Justin Joyce! Love you two.