This was my first infant shoot. Quite the task and quite the nerves I had preparing for the shoot and stepping in the door. First of all, this baby was just over a week old...and, obviously, very fragile. Secondly, since I had never had a photo shoot with an infant I was unsure of how lighting would work, whether my flash would wake her up, how long she would sleep....IF she would sleep, if she'd get cold, hot, tired, fussy....I had no idea. Thankfully I know this child's mom and she put me at ease joking that this too was the baby's first shoot so I have nothing to worry about! (Thanks for that Elyssa!) We found a window in their house that let in beautiful soft light and we shot most of the photos there. I loved this shoot not only because I got to take pictures of this cute little thing but I also got to hold her for almost an hour afterward while I got caught up with her mom about life and what I'd missed out on since I had been away in Kenya. Shoots like this always turn into a blessing for me!