I realize that I've done a terrible job at keeping my blog up to date with changes occurring in my life. I wrote a few weeks ago about my internship with Casey Templeton, a very talented photographer in Richmond, VA. It was an incredible blessing to intern with Casey. Please check out my guest blog post about my experience HERE. If any of you asked me a few months back what my future would look like, I probably looked at you with a blank stare. I had no idea. I had ambitions and dreams...lots of them, but solidifying where I would be, when, and how was overwhelming to me. I had just transitioned back to America and wanted to start my own photography business. Countless of you encouraged me to follow my dreams and start Kate Magee Photography but the "HOW" continually held me back. Once my internship with Casey began it was like my life began to catch up with my dreams. I learned so much during the internship. I fell in love with Richmond, VA and the people within the city. As my internship was wrapping up Casey asked how I would feel to stick around Richmond and be an associate of his. The opportunity was overwhelming yet it didn't take long for me to accept. I'm excited to call Richmond "home" and slowly transition my life down south a bit. I usually say that change is hard...but in this case, change is a good thing. A really good thing.
Change is a good thing
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